You guys might be like why this topic but recently one of my followers messaged me to ask why not talk about my feeling on this topic, since that follower has been under such situation.
I personally wanted to research a bit on this word, wanted to understand whats a big deal about this word but when you google pressure it mean "the feeling of stressful urgency caused by the necessity of doing or achieving something, especially with limited time." There are a lot of more definitions of this word, but are those definitions right? Do they really define it 100%?
Pressure is a word with 8 letters pretty small but that one word has a big impact on everyone. Everyone in this world somewhere knows the pain and effect of that word, but sometimes life plays a lot of games, some people know how to get out of that word but some just drown themselves. Today, I personally felt that effect and it gave me a weird pain undefinable, I am still trying to figure out how I felt, for sometime I felt suffocated.... rest is just not speakable. I really feel sometimes our words, our actions, our negative feelings can effect someone with a great power.
Everyone in our lives have something going on in there head, it could be work pressure, health , financial, personal or any other pressure, Sometimes without knowing these things some words come out that could make a person lose there self- confidence and that hope (one day things will be fine).
I think everyone watched that show 13 reasons why ?. I watched the whole season, for those who haven't watched it. I wont ruin it for them but to be honest all the parents should watch it. It will help everyone understand what might be running in there child's life or it will bring parents closer to there kids. That show brings awareness to everyone that you should talk about that pressure to someone, that will help you relief your pain. Some people be like that show isn't good it gives ideas to kids but no. True message is that you should give your children space but not too much space, be there friends, be someone who listen to there feelings without judging them.
I have been through that pressure of high school , i think most of us have but i never shared my feelings with anyone, not even my parents. Trust that brought my self-confidence and my hopes down. I started writing my journal but then at a point i understood that no one is listening to me, I m only writing in a notebook that doesn't tell me that "everything will be okay". That was my turning point, after that I gave my life a chance, I gave myself a chance, I started listening to people and there feelings, sometimes people don't need advice just want someone to listen to them, who can be there for them.
If someone comes to you, don't use your negative thoughts on them, Don't use examples of someone. Just tell them "everything will be okay". These words can change someone's life, you can change someones life, help them and turn them around.
This blog has no intention to hurt anyone. Just for a awareness that we can bring.